Rates - Roebuck


roebuckPackage starting at 750 euro + trophy value of the CIC standards, for individuals or groups of 3 or more hunters, includes:

  • - 3 days of hunting (3 nights) with full board (at the hunting lodge, motel or private accommodation),
  • - hunting fee
  • - insurance
  • - expert guide
  • - all You can eat / all You can drink (limited selection of alcohol beverages included)


 Two day (weekend) package, available at a price of 500 euro + trophy value of the CIC standards, includes the same offer as a three-day tour.

Each missed shot will be charged 75 Euros for the buck, and 40 Euros for a doe and fawn.
For wounded and not found buck, fee of 250 Euros will be charged, while the wounded and not found doe will be charged 100 Euros and wounded and not found fawn 75 Euros.
Hunter can buy meat in the skin (eviscerated and without the head) at a cost of 6 Euros per kilo.

We can offer individual or group hunting of roe deer in combination with other types of hunting, depending on your desires, capabilities and your free time. We also offer a video camera recording of hunting with professional guides, photo safari from high stands, etc.

From the rich gastronomic offer we recommend roasted veal and pies, stew, venison, freshwater fish, different kinds of brandy, grilled dishes and other delicacies.

The prices of roebuck  trophies are given in the table below:

CIC points

Price in Euros

Up to 75


from 75,1 to 80


from 80,1 to 85


from 85,1 to 90


from 90,1 to 95


from 95,1 to 100


from 100,1 to 105


from 105,1 to 115 points,each point


from 115,1 to 130 points, each point


over 130 points, each point



